Tub Set!

The Tub Set has become one of our favorite Bonuses here at the studio!

We are always rearranging things over here, so depending when you come in for your shoot we may have some new set ups to try with you. We get inspired we move it around and try different things. The tub can easily be moved and placed in different areas of the studio.

We love being artistic and trying new things!

Sometimes we incorporate our plants to surround the tub for an earthy, jungle vibe, or we will place lit candles around or in front! Other times, we clear out space directly in front of our huge windows and keep it simple and clean.

If you have a preference on how we set up your Tub Set, just let us know! It's easy enough for us to move things around and it makes your session 100% personalized to your taste.

All of our Tub Sets are amazing, and no matter where the tub is we can confidently say you will absolutely love the images.


Hot & Steamy with our Shower Set


Angel Wings!