Daily To Diamond: Mrs. A

I loved getting to work with Mrs. A. Not only did we have an amazing time but here photos are BEAUTIFUL. Here about her experience in her own words!

Have you ever done a boudoir shoot before? If so, how did your shoot with Sam compare to your prior experience?

Yes. I felt more comfortable with Sam.

Why did you do your boudoir shoot? Christmas gift

What was your favorite part of the session? The way she made me feel comfortable with myself.

What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell me your unique story!

I'm a little on the heavy side. She made me feel beautiful in my skin. It was an amazing experience.

Was your experience what you were expecting? If not, how was it different?

She exceeded my expectations.

What was the best part of your experience? Would you change anything? How did you feel after your session?

Sam's amazing personality. Sam is a great photographer. I felt so beautiful in my own skin.

Is there anything extra you would like to tell us?

Sam is an amazing photographer. Easy to feel comfortable with her.

Ready to feel beautiful in your own skin?


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